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작성자 : 임정연

구분 : 에세이

2013-05-22 오후 7:02:00

Many people think Asia is the only the lagest continent in the world.
But, Asia has a many strog point.
Asia has a long history and many places of ancient cilvilzation.

Asia has a long history of men who first started the Mesopotamia civilzation.
Mesopotamia prospered between the tigris and euphrates rivers.
China and Iran has a very old cilvilization named Mesoptamia and Haung-ha cilvilzation.

Second, Asia is a good continent to travel to. Asia has all very hot place, warm place, and very cold places. So, we can go to hot, warm or cold places at one visit. Asia has beneficial animal. For example. cows for plowing. Beneficail animals gave us many thing.

Asia is a good continent for the ruins of ancinent civilzation.
And, Asia is home to many animals. We think Asia is the diverse continent.

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